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Calva Louise, The Odds
FRKST Records/300 Entertainment

Edging closer to the release of their second album EUPHORIC, Calva Louise have been setting the pace firmly with a number of electric releases. And latest offering The Odds might be the most feverish yet, a dark video-game soundtrack of a tune that stomps right along previous releases Tiranito and Other Self to build the world of EUPHORIC.

It’s a five minute beast of a track, but it never feels overly drawn out – it feels like a mission, and Calva Louise deliver it with suitable intent. A haunting organ is the backbone of The Odds, setting the atmosphere from the start as it falls into a pounding beat and deliciously discordant riff, and that’s when Jess Allanic’s vocals kick in – every line is delivered with insistence and a casual darkness that makes The Odds even more electrifying. The build holds off, but when it crashes in towards the end of the track, it’s so worth it – a whole minute of frenetic Spanish guitar and frenzied vocals bring The Odds to a roaring peak.

Calva Louise have also put together a video for The Odds that’s probably their most ambitious yet (which, as one of the most creatively ambitious bands on the scene, that’s saying something). The drama of EUPHORIC is being laid out; the scorching intensity is undeniable. Are we ready for the album? Probably not. But are we excited? Definitely.

Euphoric is out August 20th.


Calva Louise - The Odds


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